Friday, November 1, 2013

Xbox One one-ups PS4 with support for CDs, DLNA streaming

Xbox One one-ups PS4 with support for CDs, DLNA streaming
/That means the system can play your entire library of audio CDs and stream files from a home network because it's CD and DLNA compatible, the company told The Penny Arcade Report.
These are two basic functions that the otherwise powerfulPS4 is unable to deliver, Sony admitted October 30.
While Xbox One disc drives are compatible with CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays, the PlayStation 4 supports only the latter two options.

Xbox One MP3 semi-support

Disappointingly, Sony revealed that the thousands of MP3 music files out in the wild won't work with the PS4 either.
Xbox One, on the other hand, will be able to handle this common audio file type through a workaround that involves streaming from a Windows device.
Because the console is a Play To receiver, it can stream content from any Play To supported device.
So if you happen to have your MP3 library on a machine running Windows 7 up to Windows 8.1 or have a Windows Phone device, you're in luck.

Oh, by the way

Sony waited until the very last minute to admit some of the system's lowlights, while Microsoft made its most blunders during E3 and laterreversed many of its decisions.
Now may be the best timing to come out on top as most pre-orders for Day One consoles are already in place, which makes the delay of DriveClubbundled with PS4 all the more painful.

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